There seems to be something in the air at the moment: a growing yearning for a radical change in our workplaces. Little wonder that Frederic Laloux’s inspiring book Reinventing Organizations has touched such a chord for many, with its very practical descriptions of how organizations need not be soulless institutions, pervaded by the quiet suffering of disempowered staff.
Frederic compellingly documented the widespread – largely unnoticed – beginnings of a new wave of organizations, without rigid command-and-control hierarchies. Organizations that allow – even encourage – employees to bring their whole selves to work and pursue purpose bigger than themselves.
Enlivening Edge has been created so we can all more easily share news and views about these exciting developments that are happening globally – and hear about the ‘everyday heroes’ making these changes. As organizations come alive, we are all enlivened too.
Our sections include ‘Organizations making the change’, ‘Tools & Practices’ and ‘Field Reports’ from events about these ‘Next-Stage’ organizations.
The first issue of our newsletter – please subscribe – also includes a longer article by a respected UK Further Education leader, Lynne Sedgmore, calling on Chief Executives to begin experimenting with the processes of next-stage organizations documented by Frederic Laloux, and an interview with him on the personal journey that led him to write his ground-breaking book.
7 things you can do to help:
- Subscribe to the newsletter here
- Use the ‘share this’ buttons to share stories you like from Enlivening Edge with your own networks (Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, e-mail etc).
- Here’s a Tweet-length general text you can cut and paste: Read the latest news about the inspiring organizations that are transforming their workplaces: subscribe to ‘Enlivening Edge’ (free)
- Donate: help ‘Enlivening Edge’ to continue supporting this global shift
Send your news, event reports, calendar items: contact us if you’d like to write for us - Download a pay-what-feels-right copy of Reinventing Organizations
- Read, reflect and comment on George Pór’s column explaining how Enlivening Edge can be a sensor.
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