Writer’s Guidelines for News from the Enlivening Edge of Evolving Organizations

Submit your item anytime. We publish news updates as they become ready.


Our emphasis consequent to our Evolutionary Purpose is overviews of what is happening on the macro level of changes in human organizational life.

  • What are new movements?
  • How are old movements growing or not?
  • What networks are connecting with which other networks?
  • What collaborations among groups are emerging?
  • And/or what is happening in various countries or regions or sectors?
  • What are the new books and videos?
  • What conferences or training programs are coming up?



Please aim for 500 to 1000 words. Rarely we publish longer, up to 1700 words.

Text Requirements

Please format your piece in order to create a pleasurable reading experience, guiding the reader’s eye, and conveying your message clearly:

  • Short paragraphs (for online writing, a good rule of thumb is no more than 5 lines per paragraph.) You can safely ignore the rest of this sentence: IF you are super-professional, here are some details about the formatting of news update text on the website: width: 750px font: Open Sans (https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Open+Sans) font size: .95 em ( approximately 15pt)
  • Short sentences (about 300 characters including spaces)
  • Use bullet points and do not use numbered lists.
  • Use sub-headings, in bold font.
  • Include some standout/pull(out)/breakout/”block” quotes.

Please give your item a real title, not “Article for Enlivening Edge.” 🙂

Titles show up best in our format if they are 60 or fewer characters including spaces, but minimum 30 characters including spaces.

Use pull-quotes/block quotes sparingly. They serve to entice readers into your news updateor to highlight a key topic. Too many of them causes them to lose that distinctive function, and disrupts the flow of reading. We recommend 1 pull quote, if any at all, for shorter updates (500 words); maximum 2 pull quotes for updates of 1,000 words, and maximum 3 pull quotes for longer updates.

Punctuation Requests (Optional)


Pity the poor proofreaders (and have a laugh at the alliterations) and save them hours of work:

If you include dashes, please be mindful to use em-dashes —, not hyphens – or double-hyphens — or en-dashes –. Put no space before or after the em-dash—like this.

If you want to use the European convention around the relationship of punctuation marks at the end of sentences, please use it consistently. That means “. or “? versus the American convention .” or ?” Just be consistent.

Please use ”  ” for all quotations, and ‘  ‘ only for quotations within quotations.

Please italicize titles of books, do not put them in double or single quote marks.

Capitalization Requests (Optional)

Please capitalize first letter of words Teal, Green, Orange, and other “stage”-name colors.

In your title, please capitalize first letter of all important words.

In sub-headings, please capitalize the first letter of the first word, and make the rest lower-case, bolded font.

Image-related Requirements

Images in your news update

Every image we use has to be taken by you, or be available via Creative Commons licensing which allows Commercial use and modification (resizing/cropping.)

Updates with visuals get 94% more responses than those without. Please indicate if you desire an image to be in a particular place, otherwise the Writing Quality Amplifier will decide.

Please send all images as email attachments to mageditor @ enliveningedge.org, and indicate where in your Word document each one goes.

Featured Image

Our publication format requires a “Featured Image” for each news update, in addition to any images you’d like to include within the update. The Featured Image is displayed on the main page, and above all text and serves as hyperlink for reader navigation in several places on the site.

We strongly request that you as author provide one, rather than our Editor having to search for one and perhaps use one you don’t even like! The required size for a Featured Image for our use is 1518 x 1000 pixels. We have no flexibility on these numbers.

If you send a larger image, the ratio of width to height needs to be the same. Please do not send a smaller image, as the resolution usually suffers. The minimum resolution is 72 dpi.

We do have a preferred “style” or “feel” of our Featured Images. Browse our Home page to get a sense. We like real photos, not drawings or graphics, and no harsh colors. Photos need to be pleasing to the eye and the spirit, and need to reflect the meaning of the subject of the news update.

Author Information Requirements

The top line of your news update should be “By [Your Name] for News from the Enlivening Edge of Evolving Organizations.”

As part of your Word document, please provide a 3-sentence bio (in italics) and an URL if you want your name to be linked to it, and/or an email address for you or other way for readers to contact you.

As an email attachment, not in your document, please also provide a headshot photo of you, author picture

in .jpg or .png format, and about 1.5 inches square or 200×200 pixels, or close to that size and shape.

References/Bibliography Requirements

If you reference something on the web, such as a specific author, project, organization, or book, please include the URL, or better yet, insert your own hyperlink to the URL from the relevant text words.

Please use whatever reference punctuation and formatting standard you are familiar with.

You must indicate when you are quoting or referencing someone else’s writing, rather than using your original words.

We strongly urge all of our writers to look over the Reinventing Organizations Wiki main page for references to topics/concepts in your news item, and provide your readers links to those pages of the wiki.


Please submit your news update as an editable Word (or similar word-processing program) document by email (as an attachment) to EE Magazine Editor mageditor @ enliveningedge.org. Please do not submit your item as a Google doc. Editing just doesn’t work well for us that way.

By submitting an item, you give us permission to make proofreading and light copy-edit changes without consulting you prior to publication. It is our policy that if we have more substantive changes to suggest, that will be done in conversation with you. If you want other arrangements, let us know ahead.

If you have ownership or copyright concerns, or if your news item is being published simultaneously elsewhere, or has been published before, please discuss with EE Magazine Editor (mageditor @ enliveningedge.org) when you send in your item, or even earlier in the process.

By default, all of our oublished items are published with this status: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/. So if you want something different, please let the EE Magazine Editor (mageditor @ enliveningedge.org) know before the item is published.


It’s important to understand that we publish continually.


Please let us know how these Writer’s Guidelines could be more helpful and informative, via the Contact Us form.