This pioneer shares her overview and specific mindsets and practices that facilitate next-stage organizations.
10 results for
"Language of spaces"
Are there new solutions to classic challenges of implementing Holacracy?
How can complex tensions be best processed in self-management methods using distributed-power?
People using self-management can experience four kinds of tensions. Why can't they all be processed the same way?
A deep personal dive: if we are fully powerful and coming from love, in all aspects of our lives, what becomes possible for us and for humanity?
Even in self-management, leftover power dynamics can hinder people feeling safe to experiment and speak up. This new system can help.
When the structures and processes of "going Teal" aren't working, perhaps it's because the people haven't yet developed these 4 core capacities for functioning well, for thriving, in them.
This venerable organization emerging into its next stage has required courage, risk, and learning, anchored in its unchanging principle of attunement to Nature.
Self-organizing gets easier with this innovative very practical approach to holding complexity while processing personal and organizational tensions.
The experience of young African social entrepreneurs shows that learning Holacracy and Language of Spaces, and finding them useful, is similar almost everywhere.