Enlivening Edge Magazine Editorial December 2021 – Take Heart, We are Happening

By Lia Aurami for Enlivening Edge Magazine

It’s that time of year when everyone is doing a look-back and look-forward. This won’t be an exception, but it will be an upper!

Possibly the most frequently-asked question Enlivening Edge receives is some version of “Is there anyone else who is doing anything around next-stage organizations in my (country) (kind of organization) (sector of society) (etc.)?” Just the other day we got “Has anyone ever applied the principles of Teal organizations to startups? We are a passionate group wanting to create one.”

We can always reply “Yes, plenty is happening,” no matter what the particular of the question is. (On that one, we told them all about Teal for Startups, and more.) Then we muse “Why doesn’t everyone know about all these happenings?”

The first answer is of course that they haven’t discovered Enlivening Edge Magazine yet, with over 1200 “happenings” of the last six years, including about 200 stories of all kinds and sizes of organizations, in all phases of the journey into Teal functioning. Over 300 descriptions of tools and practices have been shared and are ready for you to discover and experiment with.

The second answer is that they’re not in the “crow’s nest” position that we at EE are, with a wide view of the vast ocean of little waves of orgranizational transformation and evolution that are happening.

Every week we connect with dozens of other wavelets via LinkedIn, via Facebook, via our many subscriptions to newsletters from organizations, consulting groups, and others. We see not only little wavelets of organizations and groups getting connected, we see larger and larger scales of connectivity happening creating greater and greater social impact.

Part of that second answer is that there are now so many other places one can stumble across aligned folks: more podcasts and videos, more conferences, more workshops, more books, more groups including local groups on meetup.com.

It’s getting easier and easier to not feel so alone. EE’s evolutionary purpose is to help these wavelets discover one another, begin to communicate, and begin to learn from one another. That’s the beginning of how the world ends up transformed.

The third answer is even yet more interesting. Some folks who don’t see much going on sometimes ask us whether the next-stage organizational movements have “run their course” and are fading away. We always answer with: “No, the opposite.” These movements are becoming common, even if you aren’t hearing much about them. They are starting to do what successful movements do: fade into the “normal,” into the mainstream, losing their identity as distinct “movements.”

In this world of so much downer and discouraging news, in the face of not knowing others who are aligned with the transformations you are passionate about, in the face of the trial and error of your own organization’s transformation initiatives, we urge you to take heart. All these little wavelets do exist; they are increasing and merging, and there is, underneath them all, a huge wave of positive transformation happening in this world.

To switch metaphors, “look for the green shoots,” and you will find them.

Why not make your presence known to other little green shoots who might be feeling alone, by sharing your story in EE Magazine, or joining our real-time deeply connective Community Conversations?

Why not browse our Facebook group, check us (and our related groups) out on LinkedIn, or browse through EE Magazine articles, find someone who strikes you as relevant, and get in touch, via email or by subscribing to a newsletter?


Why not sign up for next March’s Teal Around the World conference where you will meet dozens of like-minded, like-hearted folks?

Or read the stories of fourteen next-stage organizational pioneers from around the world in the new Teal Around the World e-book?




All that is why we at Enlivening Edge are looking back over a year full of green shoots of so many different kinds of plants and flowers sprouting up and growing, on every continent. And all that is why we enter into 2022 watching and feeling a great momentum of ever-increasing numbers of people living as bridges to the future.


Lia Aurami: Within Enlivening Edge, I energize a variety of roles to express my sacred life mission: to amplify our human capacity for living, working, and relating within shared higher consciousness.

That optimizes the chances of success of transformative changes, by operationalizing collective and spiritual intelligence to help organizations be efficient and effective. I delight in creating and amplifying synergistic connections toward all that!