By Simon Confino for Enlivening Edge Magazine
Limited time offer for readers. Apologies from EE Magazine Editor for mistakenly saying “free.” The offer is a 50% discount.
A big challenge for facilitators of group/team process, is how to rapidly make the complex invisible dynamics of the team culture visible. When visible, self-awareness is rapidly raised, and a team can have the courageous conversations needed to increase trust, effectiveness, wellbeing and innovation.
We-Q is a super-simple online team diagnostic tool. It rapidly raises a team’s awareness of what is working and what isn’t, where the team members are aligned and where they see things differently.
Using the We-Q app, each member of the team anonymously and numerically measures 20 key aspects of the team’s dynamics bundled under four headings.
- Being Fully Myself
- How We Behave
- Getting Things Done
- Doing the Right Thing
The app collates the data and converts it into maps that clearly make the invisible visible.
We-Q produces a treasure trove of data which enables the facilitator and the team to focus on the key issues affecting their performance and well being. The display of the data elicits powerful moments of insight and self affirmation which give people the confidence to address thorny issues and challenge how power is exercised.
We-Q has been used by numerous teams since its launch three years ago. From the feedback received we are making available a new streamlined version which comes with a facilitator handbook, full report, and tips on how to have a great We-Q conversation with your team.
If you have a team event coming up, we’re making We-Q available for £99, a discount of 50% until the end of January. Click on the link and select the discount product to take up the offer, entering the code Promo99 to get access.
Let us know how you get on, or to ask for any support you may need: [email protected]
