What can deep, personal, meaningful conversations do for embodying Teal practices?
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Reflections on the EE Community Conversations
What is emerging beyond powerful, synergistic, inspiring sharings? A collective birthing, explorations deepening.
A frequent theme in the community conversations in January was how the organizational and the personal aspects of us go together.
Two of many heart-warming, soul-stirring reports from the December community conversations
Author of The Living Organization shares his personal journey and views on profit and purpose that go beyond "conscious business."
From the poetry of our relating to the practicality of our projects, this emerging community is open!
Expressing the Teal value of transparency in summarizing our Hub's first year, vision, and how you can support our vision.
Lisa Gill and Kimberly Loh•
Conflict is common in workplaces. Are there next-stage ways to defuse them? How do they relate to power? How do we detect our habits around conflict?
What's the best kind of conversation within an organization to foster clear communication and success? How many options do you have for whatever is best right now?
The much-loved EE Community Conversations are now in the new EE Community Hub. How could these friendly and uplifting conversations help you meet awesome peers?