How did the famous Morning Star company begin its journey of self-mangement innovation, and how does it help others now?
17 results for
"Doug Kirkpatrick"
An annotated and curated collection of book reviews EE Magazine has published in our 100 months. You're sure to find something that proves valuable.
The self-management model of Open Participatory Organizations draws principles from nature, resolves complexity, and solves common challenges.
Bossless organizations can split the manager role into three roles and distributed leadership releases the power of intrinsic motivation, creating opportunities not threats.
Which EE Magazine authors can you meet as speakers at the March 3, 2023, Teal Around the World Conference, representing many countries?
Enlivening Edge and Teal Around the World, largest next-stage gathering ever, are synergistic, and significantly central to EE's purpose.
What marvelous person will you meet? Which organization's story will most move you or be helpful to you? Every time zone welcome!
Over 800 people from next-stage organizations around the world meet and several dozen share stories online March 3-5. Don't miss it!
Frederic Laloux and Jos de Blok among keynoters as people from next-stage organizations around the world share stories online in March 2021
The most successful companies using self-management align how they create and deliver market value with how they optimize the potential of people.