Moving Through Resistance – At the Level of Self – with Nikki Trott

Marcus Druen interviews Nikki Trott, originally published at

This is the fourth in a series of articles looking at resistance to change, a topic near and dear to the hearts of organizational reinventors. The others can be found here  Level of Economy and Society, Level of Teams and Groups, Level of Organizations.

1 hour 1 minute

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My guest today is Nikki Trott. Nikki is on a mission to help conscious entrepreneurs thrive with purpose & create more positive impact for themselves & the world

Nikki is the founder and CEO of Conscious Accelerator, which helps conscious entrepreneurs transform both mindset and strategy to unlock full potential, fulfilment and success. Her podcast, Going Conscious, explores new ways to live a more conscious life of fulfilment and freedom with entrepreneurs and academics.

In her previous career she had a successful (yet eventually not very fulfilling) career as an brand and marketing agency executive working with the who is who in the fashion industry – most likely you are wearing a piece of cloth from one of her previous clients right now.

We explore resistance in all its depth and diversity: why we resist, what we resist, how it shows up in our minds and bodies. We discuss the impostor syndrome, our inner critics and the very different approaches of our egos and high-selfs in experiencing our existence. Nikki gives some practical advice to our established podcast personas, Michael and Michaela, on how to move through their inner resistance.


Nikki’s hub

Nikki’s conscious accelerator

Nikki’s podcast

Nikki’s meditation on intuition and purpose

Book: Sapiens, a brief history of human kind by Yuval Harari

Tara Brach and radical acceptance

Eckart Tolle and The Power of Now

Wim Hof for breathing methods

Michael Singer and The Surrender Experiment

Dr. Gabor Maté

Featured Image added by Enlivening Edge Magazine. Image by Niek Verlaan from Pixabay

Republished with permission.