Jussi Markula from Finland on Teal Organizations

Sami Honkonen interviews Jussi Markula, originally published at Boss Level

Boss Level is a podcast on people and organizations aiming for the boss level. Boss level is the status a person or an organization achieves by making a better quality of life for themselves and others by doing what they need to do regardless of all the haters and obstacles out there.

His guest for this episode is Jussi Markula, a Teal mentor, serial entrepreneur, and the co-founder of the Teal Finland community. In his daily work at Prominda, Jussi facilitates the exploration of new paradigms in organisations.

The idea of a Teal organization was introduced by Frederic Laloux in 2014 in his book Reinventing Organizations. The book walks through the evolution of human organizational paradigms and then discusses the most advanced one to date, dubbed Teal.

Jussi helps us delve a little deeper into the breakthroughs that enabled Teal organizations to come to life.

23 minutes 28 seconds

Listen here 

Featured Image added by Enlivening Edge Magazine. Image by Sturrax from Pixabay