New Ways of Working: The Hits

By Mark Eddleston and originally published in July 2022 at

This newsletter is approaching two years old already, and there have been quite a few hits! With so many new subscribers, and because some popular editions may have been buried in your busy inboxes, I thought it would be helpful to share the posts that have proved most popular and helpful so far.

So dig into whichever sounds most appealing to you, share any favourites with your team, and #DoTryThisAtWork!

  1. Understanding Complexity & Organisations (article)

    Management is much simpler when we understand the nature of the system we are working with.

  2. Circle Meetings (meeting structure, step-by-step guide)

    Imagine a meeting with no interruptions, no passengers, and no one voice dominating… 😍 With circle meetings, you don’t have to imagine!

  3. User Manual for Teams (team exercise, 30 mins)

    Life at work is a lot easier when our colleagues know how we work best & when we know how our colleagues work best. So getting really clear about working preferences is a wonderful idea.

  4. The Advice Process (decision-making process, step-by-step guide)

    “Anyone can make any decision, so long as they are willing to take responsibility for the outcome, and they have first listened to input from anyone who will be affected, or who has relevant expertise”, Rich Bartlett.

  5. Feedback Profiles (team exercise, 30 mins)

    We are all better off if we understand the impact we have on the people around us.

  6. Brain-friendly Feedback (step-by-step guide)

    Regular feedback is one of the tools that teams need most. It’s a shortcut to improvement and better collaboration. Done well, feedback will help your colleagues, your team and your organisation.

  7. Lean Coffee (meeting structure, step-by-step guide)

    “The format for a Lean Coffee is very simple. This is intentional. It is meant to be the least structure necessary for a coherent and productive meeting. No more, no less” – Jim & Jeremy (the creators).

  8. The New Ways of Working Canvas (team exercise)

    Designed to help you to get clear about some of the themes that are critical to progressive organising. Think purpose; roles and responsibilities; how you meet; how you make decisions; how you feedback to one another; and how information flows.

  9. Team Stand-ups (meeting structure, step-by-step guide)

    Team stand-ups are an awesome use of time, a snappy source of team building, and an easy way to get clarity on how our workloads and roles are going.

  10. Online course (learning programme)

    July has sold out but I still have places left for the October cohortI’m really proud of this course and it’s ‘net promoter score’ of 90 🎉 (over 80 is ‘world class’).

Which will you try next? And which do you find most helpful? I’d love to hear how you’re getting on so please reach out, and ask away with any questions at all – I’ll be happy to help 😊

Featured Image by Gundula Vogel from Pixabay