By Alia “Lia” Aurami for Enlivening Edge Magazine
How could Enlivening Edge Community Hub support your work?
Available for you now! Enlivening Edge is adding a powerful new online space for you to leverage the power of personal connections to accomplish your purpose of reinventing work. Our Evolutionary Purpose includes helping you find peers, form relationships, and be resources for one another in transforming organizations to be both effective and human-centered.
Since 2015 we’ve enabled authors and readers to become more powerful change agents by sharing knowledge and experience through EE Magazine. Since 2017 we’ve provided live Community Conversations where participants support and inspire each other. What’s been missing is a space with more-direct interactions than the Magazine and more ongoingly-available interactions than the Community Conversations.
Our new Community Hub allows learning and sharing, allows direct live realtime video interactions, and so much more! You can create more powerfully synergistic relationships using the variety of ways to interact in the Hub.
- Peer sharing of challenges and triumphs in safe space
- Give and receive support and inspiration, teach and learn
- Participate in unique self-governed community
- Relax, renew your purpose, refresh your soul
- Belong, as you practice new ways of being, relating, and collaborating
- Be part of a global social movement for new organizational paradigms
I’d like to emphasize, in this Editorial, four of the unique benefits of the Community Hub that you can use for an extraordinary experience: practicing next-stage self-governance, collaborating on the scale of a global ecosystem of countries and movements, relaxing and sharing in a safe space, and co-creating what’s available in the Hub.
Next-stage Community Self-governance
Enlivening Edge has invented from scratch a system that allows members to make many decisions governing how the community operates and to fill unique roles that make their wisdom available for the benefit of Hub members. This system is designed to be self-evolving.
The breakthroughs of evolutionary purpose, wholeness, and self-management, in the Teal stage of consciousness for organizations, are baked into the structures and processes of the Hub and can be directly experienced and engaged with.
Energizing Global Collaboration
Part of Enlivening Edge’s purpose and vision from the beginning has been to connect people globally, because we know that as relationships deepen and broaden, the shared purposes gain strength and impact. The Community Hub fosters every scale of connection, from individual to industry, through groups based on interest, country, region, language, social sector, or transformational movement to multi-country, multi-movement groups. There’s room for all of these to develop as members choose.
Relaxing and Sharing in a Safe Space
The “vibe” of the place is co-created conscious culture. Conversations can be deep, sustained, purposeful, and dynamic, and can also be informal “hanging out.” There are member-moderated guidelines for interacting. Help and guidance for using the platform are abundantly available. New members are well-cared-for. Our values include psychological safety, kindness, appreciation, respect, supportiveness, and encouragement of authentic self-expression.
Co-creating What’s Available in the Hub
The structure of the Hub is flexible, to allow for new open Forums of general interest available to all, new special interest groups, sharing of files and photos, in addition to direct messaging, rich personal profiles, scheduled and spontaneous zoom video conversations, short informal sharings, and more.
What Members Say
The Hub is rooted in service to others and in shared commitment to contribute our little piece in the larger movement toward being in the world in the fullness of our humanity. We participate in an open, authentic way not available in our ordinary work. ~Betsy Sheppard, Inner Development Trailblazer, USA
I interact with others who value innovative thinking and share their ideas and questions freely; that’s why I enjoy being a member of the Community Hub. ~Rhonda L. Bowen, Global Strategic Communication Guide, Germany
The Bigger Purpose
The power of community for bringing about societal changes is clear. Communities involve more caring, more sharing, and more co-creating than informal networks do. The Community Hub has been carefully designed for emergence and for an exceptionally friendly and comfortable experience for new members.
Enlivening Edge’s Community Hub is getting underway; some of the many potential benefits will emerge as more members participate. Your suggestions, creations, and influence can generate wonderful surprises over the next year(s.)
We invite you to bring your own valuable presence into this remarkable space with other dedicated organizational transformers. Together we will co-create more powerful results from what each of us is already doing. See you there!
Lia Aurami: Within Enlivening Edge, I energize a variety of roles to express my sacred life mission: to amplify our human capacity for living, working, and relating within shared higher consciousness.
That optimizes the chances of success of transformative changes, by operationalizing collective and spiritual intelligence to help organizations be efficient and effective.
I delight in creating and amplifying synergistic connections toward all that!