Join organizational changemaker Ricardo Semler in conversation with Tony Hsieh, a leader in using Holacracy, challenging assumptions, and changing how we live and work, toward Teal.
23 results for
Ricardo Semler
How did this reinvented organization get through many challenges, including a new owner, and be successful by many different measures?
Enlivening Edge and Teal Around the World, largest next-stage gathering ever, are synergistic, and significantly central to EE's purpose.
What marvelous person will you meet? Which organization's story will most move you or be helpful to you? Every time zone welcome!
Transferring authority? Not easy! What challenges and pitfalls emerged?
Over 800 people from next-stage organizations around the world meet and several dozen share stories online March 3-5. Don't miss it!
Frederic Laloux and Jos de Blok among keynoters as people from next-stage organizations around the world share stories online in March 2021
A wish list of detailed, useful handbooks and resources from a variety of kinds organizations already operating in decentralized ways.
What is the current situation of this pioneering next-stage company? Why has the leader's vision turned to reinventing other businesses and even education?
Hierarchical management is being replaced by a future of work with empowered, self-managing teams that make better use of people's talents.