By Michael Y Lee and originally published on

While no one knows with certainty what the future will bring, enough time has transpired since the beginning of the pandemic that we can and should study how companies are adapting to the new reality.
Let’s focus on one key aspect: teams. For most of us, membership in – or management of – teams has become the salient feature of our day-to-day work experience in recent years. A growing number of us claim membership in not one, but several teams within our organisation.
Before COVID-19, workplace teams as we know them were changing. Will their evolution continue, or will we go backwards? click to tweet
In conjunction with the increasing focus on teams as an organisational unit, new theories and concepts around team performance have emerged and found slow, steady acceptance among practitioners.
The question is: Will this gradual evolution continue, now that COVID-19 has upended everything?
Three trends strike us as particularly vulnerable to reversal amid the panic unleashed by the pandemic:
1. Decentralization
As readers of the Corporate Rebels blog well know, organisations have been shifting towards less hierarchical and more networked ways of organising. This has been driven by rapid technological shifts, an increase in specialization, as well as more insistent demands for autonomy by highly mobile knowledge workers.
The best ideas are no longer held at the top of the organization nor can the organization wait for decisions to be made up the hierarchy. Is COVID-19 accelerating this shift by prompting leaders to decentralise more decision authority to the frontlines? Or are managers retaining (or increasing) top-down control given their reduced ability to oversee work in a virtual environment and the intense financial pressures companies are facing?
2. Psychological safety
We also note an increasing awareness about the importance of cultivating positive relational dynamics and psychological safety for fostering high-performing teams. Yet, attention to these relational dynamics often goes out the window when crises hit and performance pressure is high, even though these are the moments when team members most need support. How are teams balancing the importance of fostering connections and trust while focusing on the work at hand?
3. Agile
Finally, agile mindsets have become the talk of organisations, and crises present opportunities for firms to experiment with new offerings and make quicker decisions, in part due to necessity and also because of a reduced fear of failure. Are teams and organisations taking advantage of this opportunity?
We want to learn from you
If you are reading this post, you are probably in as good a position as we are to answer these questions. As you master new tools and adjust to changed circumstances alongside your teams, the future of work is, quite literally, in your hands.
That is why we have launched a study designed to help expose the reality behind the rhetoric of the “new normal”, as well as what distinguishes teams and organisations that are adapting well from those that are perhaps heading down a negative path. In doing so, we hope to develop insights and prescriptions for how all organisations can leverage this crisis to make work more effective, purposeful and human.
In short, we want to understand how you and your teams have changed the way you coordinate, communicate, experiment and connect with each other. In addition, we would like to find out how COVID-19 has changed the way your teams are managed and led.
Our presumption is that for some, the changes have been positive; for others, negative; and for many others, the changes have been both positive and negative.
The survey will take 5-10 minutes to complete. It includes both close-ended questions to capture quantitative data about your teams as well as open-ended questions to capture examples and stories about how COVID-19 has sparked changes in the way you and your teams work. We believe the latter are just as powerful as the former in illuminating how teams and organisations are adapting to the new reality.
Let Michael Lee (Assistant Professor of Organisational Behaviour at INSEAD) and Koen Veltman (Founder of OrganizationBuilders) know how COVID-19 has changed the way you and your team work together.
Click here to access their survey.
Republished with permission.
Featured Image/graphic link added by Enlivening Edge Magazine. Image by Anemone123 from Pixabay