Leadermorphosis Ep. 88 Jessica Rauch and Douglas Rauch from Aquadec on Tradesmen and Teal

Lisa Gill interviews Douglas Rauch and Jessica Rauch originally published at leadermorphosis.co

EE Magazine Editor comment: For another article on this company see here.

52 minutes 01 seconds

Listen here.

Douglas Rauch was thinking of selling his construction business until he read Reinventing Organisations by Frederic Laloux. After that, Aquadec went on a transformation journey to becoming a self-managing company. Douglas and his daughter Jessica share the ups and downs of this process over the last five years, including why their initial approach was a spectacular failure, why it was an inner shift that ended up making the difference, and something called “S**t Day.”


Republished with permission.

Featured Image added by Enlivening Edge Magazine. Photo by Mikael Blomkvist.