Frederic Laloux has just posted this message to the crowdfunders of the illustrated RO:
Hello everyone (this goes out to 500 people (!!) who are in on this project!)
I wanted to update you on the process I’m making with the book. You might remember that 30 people subscribed to give me feedbacks on the draft. The idea is that 10 people give me feedback for Part 1, another 10 for part 2 and 10 for Part 3.
We’ll I received feedback from the 10 I shared Part 1 with, and it was very very useful! Thank you so much. I’ve integrated that feedback, and I’m now finalizing the rewriting of part 2, which I’ll soon send out for feedback.
All of that probably doesn’t answer the question you might have: when will the book be ready? 🙂
Well, I don’t want to put myself under pressure of a deadline that would be artificial. And it’s hard for me to say, as I’m not the only one involved, there are of course also some of you giving feedback, Etienne the illustrator, the graphic designer and the proofreader. I want this to happen in a flow rather than to pile pressure onto everyone with a tight plan (so far they’ve been very responsive anyway).
So all of this to say “I don’t know”. But my hope is for the book to be ready before the summer… In the meantime, I’ll keep you posted of progress we make, so it doesn’t feel too long 🙂
Much love to everyone!