By Dorothee Bornath and Iris Dick for Enlivening Edge Magazine
At the Integral European Conference in May 2016, we offered encouraging information and personal stories from our own experiences, which changed a common opinion that Holacracy® is a difficult and cold structure. About 15 participants, some of whom were already Holacracy practitioners, heard a short introduction and a personal story from the Appreciators’ own experiences, which received high attention.
The focus on the participants’ questions created valuable responses and new perspectives in a vivid and passionate atmosphere of discussion. The participants could see and feel that Holacracy supports a working atmosphere of wholeness, Evolutionary Purpose, and self-organisation in a genial way, by its transformational power.
A surprise-effect from the discussion even for us presenters was the realization that authentic appreciation and Appreciative Inquiry practice are crucial success factors in introducing Holacracy and having fun with it.
We were happy to realize that we can contribute a lot and were successful in doing that!

Iris Dick is a Coach and trainer, a specialist in: Appreciative Coaching, including via telephone; breaking ‘vicious cycles’, leaving burnout; developing inner freedom, and detecting and following the ‘fire in one’s inner life’. Her background includes Team Development with Appreciative Inquiry, Non-violent Communication, Focusing, Mediation. Open Space. Holacracy (Role: Research and Education). She’s former executive of a free school. [email protected]

Dorothee Bornath Holacracy practitioner + Sociocracy training, Coach, Appreciative Inquiry practitioner + trainer and facilitator of large group interventions in organisations and public participation. Created together with Gertraud and other colleagues Die Wertschätzer (The Appreciators)—Coaching, Training, Consulting—with an AI process. Lead Link of Die Wertschätzer, founding member of the Teal Startup E-Mail [email protected] & [email protected] Phone +49 177 5417216