Final Enlivening Edge Magazine Editorial Sept 2024 – Transformation in Expression of our Evolutionary Purpose

By Lia Aurami for Enlivening Edge Magazine

Starting in October, you’ll notice changes as we transform Enlivening Edge Magazine into a new phase of expression of our Evolutionary Purpose which is:

Catalyzing relationships among innovators who are accelerating the evolution of organizations and social systems for human and environmental thriving.


After the first articles were published in July 2015, it took a while before Enlivening Edge realized its identity as an online magazine. In these nine+ years we have published 1445 articles supporting organizations who are evolving into and functioning in “the next stage of human consciousness” named and described by Frederic Laloux in his 2014 blockbuster book Reinventing Organizations: A Guide to Creating Organizations Inspired by the Next Stage of Human Consciousness. (Join the book’s 10th anniversary party on October 10!)

Our articles describe

  • specific organizations and their journeys into operating from this next stage
  • news from among the global network of these organizations
  • a huge variety of tools and practices representing and facilitating such a journey
  • many perspectives on what the “next stage of consciousness” requires and consists of in an organization

Many organizational innovators regard our library as the best and most comprehensive resource available to them. Throughout the years, access to our content has been free, and will continue to be.


The global landscape of evolving organizations has changed during the last nine+ years. Many more organizations are emerging and there are more resources for them. Enlivening Edge is not as uniquely needed as a catalyst/nexus of awareness of each organization as a resource for others.

And the folks who produce the Magazine have evolved, too. Many Enlivening Edge Partners have shaped our journey from being a group of friends engaged in activities together, to an LLC using Holacracy as our management system. For some years, it has been just two of us–with a little help from our inter-organizational synergy partners–who have published all that Enlivening Edge shares with the world.

So we have for some months been searching our souls and communing with the Spirit of Enlivening Edge for how we might best serve our worldwide audience of organizational innovators as it is nowadays and as we currently are.

One thing has become more explicit, and you’ll see changes reflecting this: We have realized that the ultimate purpose of Enlivening Edge is a spiritual one: to bring more Love into the world. This lies under, over, and throughout the Evolutionary Purpose stated above.


Not everything is clear yet, and surely not all the steps involved are clear yet. However, starting  in October, look for these changes.

Articles published up to now will become the Enlivening Edge Magazine Library. This will be free, online, and accessed via our website, with a variety of ways to help you find and get the most benefit from the 1445 articles. We will however publish new additional Special Collections of articles on themes broader than our Tags/Topics or Topic Groups.

New published content will hark back to our original purpose of helping next-stage organizations discover each other and connect, so that they can begin to cooperate more powerfully as a force for social change. The published items will be “News Updates” similar to articles we’ve categorized as News so far. These too will be free, online, and accessed via our website. They will consist of, for example, announcements of regional, national, or global conferences and events, announcements and reviews of new books, new networks or related movements forming, and more.

Accompanying changes:

Enlivening Edge Magazine will become the Enlivening Edge Magazine Library. The body of News Updates that will be published after October 1 2024 will be News from the Enlivening Edge of Evolving Organizations. Look for access guidance in our menu navigation bar.

There will be fewer published items each month. We will emphasize your sending us news, in addition to what we discover as we search for news.

There will be no more periodic Editorials. If we have something to share as Enlivening Edge, we’ll publish a News Update with it.

There will be no more periodic emailed Magazine Highlights, and no more New Article Notifications; our subscriptions and mailings will cease. Here is how to use an RSS feed subscription service to receive emailed notifications of new published items.

You’ll find out about News Updates also as we post about them on LinkedIn, Twitter, and our Facebook page. They’ll be easier for you to share! We invite you to Follow us in those places to be notified.

News Updates will continue to be a mixture of republished and original writing. So by all means submit News Updates!

News Updates will not become part of our Library; they will be accessed for free from a different menu item to a different part of our website as News from the Enlivening Edge of Evolving Organizations.

We expect to continue and increase our warm and fruitful personal/organizational friendships throughout the budding social ecosystem of evolving organizations.

There are decisions yet to be made, such as the Comments function in the Library and for News Updates, so watch as we clarify these.


  • It is important that you step into a greater role as a source of news for us to share. Just use our Contact form to let us know about possibilities or write and submit an update describing your news.
  • As with every website, there are costs to be available online; your donations will be an important resource for helping us stay present to the world of evolving organizations. We will also continue to be available as affiliates for your events, as we choose. Invite us!
  • Even without mailings, it will be easy for you to share our new published items on social media, and thus to support the continued increase globally in evolving organizations.

What’s your response to all this? We’re pretty excited. We totally invite your feedback and your appreciations for Enlivening Edge Magazine’s contribution to YOUR evolution over these past nine years! We are devoted to your thriving and flourishing, which will ultimately add more Love to the world, and we welcome suggestions for how to better help you thrive and flourish.

Featured Image by Rosy / Bad Homburg / Germany from Pixabay