Done well in self-managed organizations transparency can boost business results, breed trust, help with innovation and support learning.
26 results for
Brent Lowe
Firing, letting go, layoffs: How can self-managing organizations perform these necessary functions in innovative and humane ways?
An annotated and curated collection of book reviews EE Magazine has published in our 100 months. You're sure to find something that proves valuable.
Defining clear roles helps self-managing organizations align personal desires, goals, passion, and skills with organizational needs.
In old organizational paradigms we divide up a finite amount of power with power over, power for, or power with. How does decentralized "power among" differ in next-stage organizations?.
Reinventing an organization means reinventing all procedures. But no need to "reinvent the wheel" when pioneers are sharing their experience like this!
Reinventing an organization into Teal principles will create resistance. How to spot it, name and honor it, measure it, and work with it effectively.
What new understandings about the nature and role of values are emerging in next-stage organizations, such as: how are they expressed in an ecosystem vs a traditional hierarchy?
Brent Lowe and Erika Bailey•
What experiences from being a leader in a next-stage organization might be useable in a large traditional multinational?
Travis Marsh and Edwin Jansen•
Want a decentralized self-managed approach to performance reviews and revision of job descriptions that works?