The much-loved EE Community Conversations are now in the new EE Community Hub. How could these friendly and uplifting conversations help you meet awesome peers?
12 results for
Andrew Carter MacDonald
No place to have your conversations about Teal? This is the caring, supportive, safe place!
Sensing and then implementing the emergent direction for these community conversations is a practice, not just an ideal or words.
Next stage organizations are communities, and heart-energy is bodily-contagious. What will the fire become?
From the poetry of our relating to the practicality of our projects, this emerging community is open!
What can deep, personal, meaningful conversations do for embodying Teal practices?
What is emerging beyond powerful, synergistic, inspiring sharings? A collective birthing, explorations deepening.
What is Enlivening Edge's Evolutionary Purpose all about, and why is it important? How do next-stage organizations relate? Innovative looks at big questions.
Creating ever more complex inter-relating is the key to reinventing society. How can you and Enlivening Edge facilitate?
A frequent theme in the community conversations in January was how the organizational and the personal aspects of us go together.