How does each of these myths hold us back from co-creating a better future of work? How does each show up at your work? Get some helpful wisdom from this interview.
10 results for
"Aaron Dignan"
What is an organizational operating system, and how does an organization’s ability to adapt, innovate, grow, and remain resilient depend on being a garden, not a wristwatch?
Wanting to reinvent an organization into the new paradigm of a complex system, not a machine? Here is a comprehensive guide based on distilled experience drawn from many places.
Aaron Dignan and Rodney Evans•
What is Brave New Work? In this new podcast series, hear how specific organizations have found better ways to deal with common organizational challenges.
Over 800 people from next-stage organizations around the world meet and several dozen share stories online March 3-5. Don't miss it!
Frederic Laloux and Jos de Blok among keynoters as people from next-stage organizations around the world share stories online in March 2021
How does decentralized decision-making foster spontaneous creativity, adaptability, and humanity in a crisis?
Among the growing number of global grassroots movements learning and practicing more human-centered ways of working, check out "Reinventing Work."
What beliefs, principles, and practices have worked really well so far, for everyone involved at this company?
The story of the writing of the new book Reinventing Startups