Discovering Purpose – Why Meaning Is Key

Sally McCutchion  interviews James Bolle about all things purpose and why meaning is key, originally available on YouTube.

In this conversation with James Bolle we talk about all things purpose, why meaning is key, what the impact of defining your purpose is and how to find a balance between making meaning and making money.

~ Meaning is what connects your people and your customers to your brand/business and differentiates you from everyone else.

~ Meaning originates from the source or founder of a business and is often a very personal expression.

~ Discovering the purpose of your business is a deep enquiry that should feel authentic in order to be relevant and useful.

~ Making money is a quick and easy way of measuring success and it can easily become the only measure of your business.

~ Once the meaning of your business is clear and your purpose is defined, it has to be integrated into your strategy, roles, communications and decisions to inspire others and make a difference. Thank you James for a great convo! 

Republished with permission.

Featured Image added by Enlivening Edge Magazine. Image by stokpic from Pixabay