By George Pór for Enlivening Edge Magazine
The ecosystem of next-stage organizations and initiatives is experiencing an unprecedented growth, aliveness, and diversification.
We, at Enlivening Edge, are in the enviable and scary position of being an attractor of Teal news from all over the world. It is enviable because we can keep our finger on the pulse of the Teal ecosystem, feel its vibrancy, and rejoice in the new species that come to life every day.
It becomes scary only in light of our mission “Boosting the emergent collective intelligence, consciousness, and impact of the ecosystem of next-stage organizations and initiatives, until they become the new mainstream of organizing work, because we don’t have the resources to provide adequate coverage of all the Teal-tinted new publications, networks, platforms, practices, startups, and organizatonal change efforts.
Supporting the emergent collective intelligence (CI) of all that demands from EE to become an ever-better amplifier, sensing-organ and meaning-making organ of the movement. To do that, we need good maps of the territory. Only then shall we be able give you a better sense of what on Earth is happening, what are the most innovative experiments, new Teal organizational practices worth replicating, and where to find fellow “co-conspirators,” maybe even in your own country.
In 2015, when Enlivening Edge published the first map of the ecosystem of movements for next-stage organizations, we received responses to it like these:
“I do hope that we will soon see emergence of co-creation networks that link all these change-makers and innovators together into an ecosystem of next-generation organisations… We need to work together and establish easy ways to map-out the knowledge of best practices, patterns and ideas for building the new world.” Victor Vorski
“And, what I find even more impressive, is that this ecosystem lies inside a bigger one, incarnating a society’s transition from competitive to collaborative models, including things like collaborative and sharing economy, crowd-funding, alternative moneys, makers movement, transition movement, open source, decentralised renewable energies, co-design, etc…” Martin Mahaux
“Thanks for sharing George. It’s beautiful and amazing to see the exponential convergence of movements and groups coming together to form our next stage of human consciousness. We live in an amazing time, one for which I am truly grateful.” Malek Jaber
Last December, we re-published an infographic depicting “7 Movements That Will Help You Understand the Future of Work,” and few months later we added information about another 7 movements. All these maps lack the depth and granularity that would make them truly useful to those who are seeking, for example, for a Teal organization to work with in their industry, or seeking people experienced in facilitating the introduction of the three Teal breakthroughs.
Here’s another reason why we need such maps and why we need them ASAP:
In May last year, I heard Frederic Laloux speaking, in a video message sent to the Integral European Conference (IEC 2016), about the possibility of the Teal movement reaching the tipping point in 10 years. Wow! Of course, it’s just a possibility; it might take much longer, or even a bit shorter time, who knows… Let’s think: how would we know when we are there? Imagine a world in which wholeness, evolutionary purpose, and self-management have become the mainstream way of organizing work. Can you? Try feeling into what it is like living and working in that next-stage world.
To get there, we should enable successful, transformative practices to travel far, in ways that facilitate their rapid take-up everywhere where they are applicable. That would ensure, for example, that an innovative method combining “centres of excellence” and “project teams” in Mastek, a Teal-inspired software organization in India, would rapidly find its way to self-managing IT companies in other countries.
The better our maps of the ecosystem are, the easier it will be for people to find companies to work in their region, where their calling is honoured and their wholeness is welcome. It will be easier also for change leaders and facilitators to find peers in other organizations that they can learn from and with, and inspire their own Teal journey.
But how to create a good, data-rich and visual representation of the “next-stage org” ecosystem that keeps becoming more diverse and expanded, by the day? Even thinking only of the Teal stream’s 7 movements map, the task is bigger than what Enlivening Edge can carry out alone.
If you have a passion for staying in touch with the tip of the Teal wave, and helping others do the same, then why not come and help shape the Teal Mapping Project?
Presently, we have:
- several initial lists of Teal-ish organizations to map
- a carefully crafted list of information types worth collecting
- a mapping process that includes a survey, generative interviewing, and data visualization
- access to a visual mapping software
- some people ready to start conducting generative interviews
What the project still needs is YOU to (co-)energize one of the Teal mapper roles, get trained in generative interviewing, do your interviews, and fill in our data collection templates. (If you have experience in project management, your skill and talent in that area, too, would be much appreciated.)
- Do you want to conduct interviews with pioneers of next-stage organizations?
- Are you a founder/member of an organization with at least 5 members, and if yes, do you want to be interviewed and featured on the map?
- Do you have some experience/interest in data visualization, or managing virtual projects?
If your answer to any of those question is a resounding YES, or if you want to receive some specific clarification, please contact us and tell us why and how you want to help.
P.S. If you’re interested in the broader, evolutionary context of this mapping work, visit my blog on Mapping Our Way to the Next Civilization.
George Pór is an evolutionary thinker and a strategic learning partner to visionary leaders in business, government, and civil society. He is the originator of Enlivening Edge, and has been publishing the Blog of Collective Intelligence since 2003. A select list of his articles and book chapters on the fields of collective intelligence, organizational and social renewal can be found here. More about George’s work on the enlivening edge of planetary transformation is here.
Hello George, great article. Happy that you are talking about this and are making the call for can I say a next level for EE. There is synchronicty. At Teal for Teal we have been drafting the design of a true collaborative platform that we are about to take to the next stage. May I suggest we share the design with you when it is specified in the next weeks and see how Teal for Teal and EE can collaborate on this.
In short we would like to enable people and organisations that are interested in reinventing organisations, want to learn, share practices and cooperate (large scale and around specific purposes). As it will be on a platform the network itself will enable the value creating process using top not tech such as data mapping itself and blockchain.
Hi George, I will put my hand up to help out with this (will need guidance) as I am sitting on a list of around 180+ organizations, and am in the process of mapping the T4S Network.
Dear George,
I’d love to contribute by interviewing organisation and adding them to the map!
Thank you, Mieke and Jeroen! There are more people who offered help. Let’s have a team call next week. Mieke, would you want to help with pulling it together?
> At Teal for Teal we have been drafting the design of a true collaborative platform that we are about to take to the next stage. May I suggest we share the design with you when it is specified in the next weeks and see how Teal for Teal and EE can collaborate on this.
In short we would like to enable people and organisations that are interested in reinventing organisations, want to learn, share practices and cooperate (large scale and around specific purposes). As it will be on a platform the network itself will enable the value creating process using top not tech such as data mapping itself and blockchain.
Stefan, I am very interested in your collaboration idea. The sooner we can explore its potential together, the sooner it can benefit both projects!
May our Teal ecosystem mapping project become the first phase of something like this:
The network explosion has already started. We are just at the very beginning of it. The more attention we give to it, the faster and farther it grows.
The Teal Ecosystem Mapping project is a way to verify that hypothesis. 🙂
Jeroen, what made you inspired to reach out and offer your help? (Saying a few words about it may inspire some of our other readers to.)
Yes George, not a problem talk to you soon about it.
Let’s see how the domain of self-managed intentional communities intersects, deepens and expands this sphere. We have so much to learn from one another, across sectors.
Hi George, I’m happy to share my reasons for reaching out! I would love to be involved for many reasons.
The most ego-centric one: I want to learn, learn and learn more. And as I am actually looking for such a map myself, why not help create it..!
Secondly, I am passionate about connecting people as a way of making them move forward. Information is power, so sharing that information empowers people. As a facilitator in organisational transformation, I don’t want to be selling methods, I want to facilitate change. The better structured information I can provide on methods that work & companies who’ve proven so, the better I can do my work and the higher the chances organisations dare to make the leap of faith.
Thirdly, I very much appreciate the efforts EE has put into providing the platform already in existence, and I would like to contribute some of my time in return as a way to say ‘thank you’.
And last but not least, I love meeting inspiring people.
And there’s probably even more reasons beneath the surface, but hope these will do for now 😉
Dear Raines, as you know, I share your interest in learning across sectors. Intentional communities and next-stage organization may have self-management and preference for wholeness in common. Some of the communities may have an evolutionary purpose, others may not. Here’s a starting point for co-exploration:
Awesome, Jeroen! Thank you!
Our group in Hungary are working on an open Map, which is a Meta map for describing the evolution of collaboration/work/social art. We would like to have an open platform of development lines and a framework where anybody can contribute and create their own version (the whole map is becoming too large to be used as a practical tool). The relation to your idea George is that our Map could show paths towards the Teal map and it can be a network for spiral, transformation, level wizards. We want to add another dimension to Teal map. e.g.: Agile and Lean is a transformation path from SD blue to SD green (or Teal) and can’t be described as Teal only. We would also like to have sign concepts e.g. Theory U is not feasible under orange/green level – so the tools, methods, views could have recommendation signs…
The current version (it’s just the tip of the iceberg):
We have created a FB group since we got lot of request for translation lately:
Now we plan to write lot about our discoveries, principles, driving forces of evolution and core concepts of salutogenesis in organizations.
We are ready to cooperate!
I’m jumping into this project with an open heart, mind and will! Coming from a wildly diverse background that includes much of what doesn’t work in Orange orgs from being painfully on the inside, a deep dive into the non-dual philosophy of Tantra (from a yogini perspective), and loads of seemingly-at-the-time unrelated trainings on a broad range of subjects that have all blended together to put me (and my business partner) at the edge of this wave, on our longboards and ready to ride.
With all due respect to Szabolcs’s comment about Theory U not being feasible in Orange orgs, we’ve used it quite successfully on a number of occasions.
I’m very excited about the potential for this collaboration!
Namaste, Johanna! Thank you for joining the team of “evolution cartographers” 🙂 and bringing to us your passionate and bright energy. Looking forward to connect with you on the call.
Namaste, George~ really looking forward to it!
George, is there a visible website yet for this project, or is the group at present focused on its internal communications? Thrilling to hear of all the progress. This cartography endeavor — the power of it to amplify the evolution of humanity’s collective consciousness — is dear to my heart. Wish I had time to do more than cheerlead!!!!