Originally published at Institute for Evolutionary Leadership
Most challenges that human societies face today are systemic, complex, and critical. We cannot afford to treat the symptoms anymore: it is time for us to lead our own social evolution by redesigning our institutions, our cultures, and even ourselves. Evolutionary Future Challenge is an invitation for everyone to ask themselves these three questions:
- Does your work involve intentional redesign of worldviews, cultures, and institutions?
- Do you actively care about all stakeholders (people and the environment), even those beyond your specific organization or community?
- Is your work helping build a more just, sustainable, and flourishing world?
If you answered “yes” to all the questions, it is very likely that you do some great evolutionary work. We invite you to let the world know about it by posting something about your project with hashtag #evolutionarywork on a popular social media platform. We will start monitoring Facebook, Twitter, and uBegin, but everyone will be welcome to reach out to us and let us know that there are other platforms we need to watch.
As we monitor this activity, we may contact selected participants to learn more about their work. By August 9th, 2017 we will select 7 evolutionary projects and invite their leaders to present these projects in the San Francisco Bay Area on October 9th, 2017. This is the day before the SOCAP conference as part of the Nordic Impact Week . We will also work with the selected leaders/teams to help them deepen their understanding of key aspects of their evolutionary work and present their work using a shared language of Evolutionary Leadership.
For non-local participants we will do our best to support their travel to the Bay Area through crowd-funding, sponsorship, and other options. In case a trip is not possible, we will arrange a candidate’s presentation via video call.
Our independent panel of judges will offer deep and insightful feedback on the presentations and select three projects that will be admitted with full scholarship to the Evolutionary Leadership Fellows program we are offering in spring 2018. Leaders and teams of all the seven selected evolutionary projects will be welcome to attend selected events during the Nordic Impact Week.
On a final note: this not a fancy big-bucks competition; this is an experiment, an invitation to reflect on your #evolutionarywork and share it with the world. In the meantime, we’ll be offering partnership and support to the best of our ability and invite interested partners to contribute as we go.
Let’s see what we can create together!
Here is an example of #evolutionarywork.
Featured Image/graphic link added by Enlivening Edge Magazine