“Reinventing Organizations” is Now Available in Arabic!

By Frederic Laloux and originally posted in Facebook.

“That the book exists in Arabic owes everything to Wael Alawani and Zaher Alhaj Hussein who a bit over a year ago sent me a short email saying “We would love to support you to provide Arabic translation for this great book”. Since then, they generously put in massive amounts of time to translate the book from English, and then recruited an editor in Lebanon to publish it.

From my correspondance with them, I feel that for Zaher and Wael, both Syrians living abroad, this translation has been a gift of love, a contribution to a different possible future, in the face of the tragedy of their homelands and the backlash to the Arab Spring in the wider region.

Please join me in my gratitude for the all the hours and dedication and skills they have put into making this book available in Arabic!

And if you know Arab speakers, or any networks in Arabic-speaking countries, who might be interested, please forward this. I really hope that Zaher and Wael’s work will be rewarded, and I would be so proud if “Reinventing Organizations” found a resonance and would make a contribution to workplaces in the Middle East.”

Zaher Alhaj Hussein commented:

For Arabic speaking readers, they can get an electronic copy from this link

Republished with permission.

Featured image/graphic link added by Enlivening Edge Magazine