Reminder: October 10 – 10th Anniversary Party for Reinventing Organizations Book

By Lia Aurami for Enlivening Edge Magazine, with Frederic Laloux, Lisa Gill and others, as indicated

Note from Enlivening Edge Magazine Editor: This article served as a fitting capstone article for Enlivening Edge Magazine becoming Enlivening Edge Magazine Library. (See our Editorial for an explanation.)

Now, this reminder about the anniversary party serves as a most exciting and appropriate first News Update in our new published content, called News from the Enlivening Edge of Evolving Organizations.

The Reinventing Organizations book was the catalyst, through George Pór, for the creation of Enlivening Edge over nine years ago, and we’ve had a special mutually supportive relationship to the “Teal movement” all along. Enlivening Edge is one of the resources for readers mentioned in the book. The party will include a summary of this relationship.

Lisa Gill, one of the party organizers, was one of the first Partners creating Enlivening Edge in its early months. Since then she’s published as Leadermorphosis nearly 100 podcasts on organizations reinventing themselves, and become a resource herself, for the movement.

This is the website announcement for the party and place to register (free) for it:

This year is the 10-year anniversary of Reinventing Organizations. Over the last decade, the book has inspired thousands of organizations across the world to take a radical leap and adopt a whole different set of management principles and practices. It’s sold over 1 million copies and been translated into numerous languages.

We would like to mark this special occasion by inviting everyone who has been touched by the book to celebrate together.

  • Has your organization adopted teal principles or practices?
  • Have you shared the book with others or even started a book club?
  • Are you one of the people who translated the book into another language?
  • Did you start a whole new community or initiative as a result of reading the book?
  • Did you contribute to one of the many teal-inspired initiatives such as the Reinventing Organizations Wiki, Enlivening Edge or Teal Around the World?
  • Has the book changed the course of your life in some way?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, please join us!

What to expect

An online interactive event with a mix of moments of celebration and fun, moments that go deeper, and moments of people sharing how Reinventing Organizations has touched them. The event will also include a live conversation with Frederic himself as he reflects on this milestone.

It’s the perfect opportunity for this global community to come together, connect, celebrate, and co-sense what we might wish for the next ten years in the new ways of working movement.

Joining information

Nearer the event we’ll share with you the Zoom link to join. For anyone who isn’t able to participate in the interactive elements (for example, in breakout rooms), we’ll also have a livestream link you can follow on YouTube.

In-person events

We know that many of you are keen to organize local events in your community to coincide with our virtual celebrations. Maybe you want to celebrate in person after joining the online event, or you aren’t able to make the online event but still want to celebrate!

We’ve created a short Google form to provide you with some important guidelines for organizing any in-person events and also to help us keep track of how many parties are happening around the world. It will be really fun to see where on the globe people are congregating!

Fill out the Reinventing Organizations in-person events tracker form here.
(The deadline to fill out the event tracker form is the 26th of September.)

This is Frederic Laloux’s LinkedIn post about the party:

This year marks the 10th anniversary of my book Reinventing Organizations.
When it first came out in 2014, I would have never dreamed that it would become such a phenomenon! It sold more than 1 million copies in 20+ languages 🔥 and it inspired thousands of organizations throughout the world to make the leap to much more inspiring management practices.
I say birthday = birthday party! 🥂 🎈 🎂
Mark your calendar for October 10 where we’ll throw a big online interactive event. If you’ve been touched by the book in one way or another, join us. It’s free.
I can’t wait to see you there for us all to share stories 🤩
More information here:
Thank you Lisa Gill and Rhea OngYiu and the small group of fellow organizers.

Here is Lisa Gill’s recent LinkedIn post about the party, with over 1000 people registered so far.

Just over two weeks to go until the online celebration of the 10th anniversary of Reinventing Organisations! More than 1,000 people have signed up so far…

Here are three invitations to honour this occasion:

1️⃣ Share your Reinventing Organisations story in a video or a post here on LinkedIn using the hashtags hashtagROturns10 and hashtagRO10 so we can find you

2️⃣ Register and join the party on 10.10.2024 at 17:00-19:00 CET

3️⃣ Join or organise an in-person meetup near you. If you want us to help promote it, fill out our event tracker form here

Here is Lisa Gill’s Leadermorphosis podcast video about the party which will livestream here on October 10.

As one person said, this is the closest thing to a global conference for all those touched, transformed, or inspired by Laloux’s book! See you there!!!
Featured Image by Elke from Pixabay