By George Por for Enlivening Edge
Do you think about introducing self-management, deepening your organisation’s evolutionary purpose, creating enlivened workplaces and ways of working that invite people to express wholeness? This 3-day experiential workshop will take you and your team through a personal and collective journey of exploring those breakthroughs of “next-stage” organisations. It will be tailored around the specific needs of your organisation, wherever you currently are on your journey to Teal.
The workshop is developed by Future Considerations and we offer it at no charge to you. We do that because with your help we’re prototyping this workshop, the design, the materials, and Facilitator Guide,, all of which will be open-sourced. It is our gift to the emerging global ecosystem of reinventing organisations.
We will spend the first half of the 3 days exploring what foundations you already have in place in your organisation that you can build on, as well as identifying the ‘pain points’ that will be a catalyst for change. We will become more familiar with what it means to “go Teal”. We will collectively sense into the evolutionary purpose of your organisation, and from this springboard you will begin, in the second half of the workshop, to prototype ways in which your team or organisation can evolve into its next level of potential.
This workshop will not just help you think about how you could become more “Teal,” but through this experience you will actually begin to feel, be and act from Teal, as well as start designing the next steps of your organisational transition.
If this opportunity to partner with us appeals to you, please contact Angela at [email protected].
I am interested in creating possibilities for organisation to go Teal:)
Hi wonderful EE-people, please inform me about the practical side of things… very interested. thanks