Breaking News: Reinventing Organizations Book Is Now in Chinese!

By Frederic Laloux and originally posted on Facebook

The story of the Chinese version is quite extraordinary. A group of 40 enthusiasts from different backgrounds—among other people with a background in Agile, people who met through Otto Scharmer’s U.lab and Chinese employees from Decathlon, a French sports retailer—met through the book and self-organized to crowd-translate it and convince a respected local publishing house to publish it. Isn’t that amazing? Apparently, they had lots of fun, although I imagine it must have come with real challenges and hard work!

Once more, I want to express my gratitude to all of them—also in the name of all the future readers—for their enthusiasm and all the time they put into this project. I can’t read the text, unfortunately, but I have a copy of the finished book, and the quality of the design and printing is superb.

Please help spread the news if you have friends or colleagues in China!

The translators are convinced that the ideas of Reinventing Organizations can work in China just as much as everywhere else. Self-management, wholeness, and evolutionary purpose take on different flavors depending on local cultures of course, but they are fundamental human aspirations.

I’m curious what happens now. Will I start receiving emails from China, like I have from other countries, with readers sharing stories of how they reinvent their organizations?


In the last few months, next to the Chinese edition, Reinventing Organizations has also come out in:

– Czech
– Hungarian
– Swedish
– Italian
– Korean

Some of these have been out for a few months already. I’m a bit ashamed I haven’t shared the news before, I wish I was a better promoter on social media. Please do it better than me, and share this generously with friends and colleagues!

Republished with permission of the author.

Featured Image/graphic link added by Enlivening Edge Magazine