EE Magazine Editorial February 2021 – A New Look for EE Community Conversations

By Will Van Inwagen and Lia Aurami for Enlivening Edge Magazine

Enlivening Edge’s Community Conversations are entering their fifth year! They’ve evolved to keep up with the emergent needs of our community. Now, to reflect the evolution, we’ve reinvented the page on EE’s site that tells you about the conversations and why so many folks have found them invaluable.*

What these video calls exemplify is the amazing diversity of people who have attended: so far over 1,000 organizational changemakers from all over the world.

Many express gratitude and appreciation for being able to share, be heard, engage in “Teal” dialogues, and experience belonging to a network of like-minded, like-hearted others. The evolutionary purpose of these conversations is expressed through new collaborative projects generated.

That purpose is to provide a safe sharing space for enlivened organizational changemakers. We all hear and reflect on each other’s stories and journeys, quickly and easily form deep connections, and catalyze new relationships that go beyond the time of the conversations.

Here are a few of the many enthusiastic reflections, even from first-time participants.

“…deeply nurturing…a refreshing dip into a warm “Teal” pool…a welcoming space where people share streams of consciousness to connect, explore, energize, and evolve…explore answers to questions through generative conversations and deep connections.”

“[The Hosting team] really goes out of its way to help people care about each other—and that’s the main gift of Enlivening Edge’s conversations. It’s not a rushed, task-focused experience, but rather a big soup being cooked by everyone together.”

“…an amazing place to connect around what’s important for each of us in the emerging new consciousness. We can see more possibilities for our work, connect with new people, be in a synergistic field where good things happen, and practice and learn some new ways of being and relating.”

“How is it that we weave so much love into the space? Being with people who share our challenges and values creates insights and fuel to keep going.”

“I left this, my first call, without really remembering people’s names or knowing their job descriptions, but having a solid first step into understanding how they feel this world… some people stayed for an extra half an hour just because they wanted to.”

The current hosting team—Lia Aurami, Doug Breitbart, and Will Van Inwagen—holds space for two conversations each month. On the first Thursday of each month, “Stories from the Enlivened Edge” is 90 minutes, with a speaker recounting their journey into next stage organizations, breakout room discussions, and collective reflections on our personal resonances with the speaker’s experiences.

The third Thursday of each month is “Connecting for Synergy.” For two hours the group contemplates two deep questions about inner and outer aspects of our work as change-makers, featuring intimate one-on-one breakout sessions, and group sharings.

2021 is a year that holds the opportunity for us all to further actualize many of the ideas and concepts around Teal/Next-stage Organizations, drawing on the many examples that have been written about in Enlivening Edge Magazine and discussed in the community conversations.

There has never been a better time for you to get involved in collaborating, co-creating and learning from others!


EE’s intent for this year’s Community Conversations is

  • to continue to grow our community, creating safe and inspiring spaces more deeply, more effectively, with greater impact and
  • to catalyze the formation of emergent groups who will take inspired action.

What possibilities toward these intentions might be calling you for action in 2021?

The Hosting Team so appreciates all the love, support, and donations in past years. We acknowledge all who have given to Enlivening Edge of their time, expertise, money, and energy. We welcome the new folks who desire to be of service to the co-creation of more conscious, more human organizations in which to work and thrive.

Together we can make all difference even in such a year as this. We invite you to co-create these Community Conversations to be more vibrant, more catalytic, than ever before.

What’s calling you? Visit our great new page and contact [email protected].

In Joy, Will Van Inwagen and  Lia Aurami

* The page production team included Daniela Dandes, Will Van Inwagen, Doug Breitbart, Eric Babinet, and Lia Aurami. The final version is a true co-creation.

Will Van Inwagen: Creating the Enlivening Edge Community Conversations has been one of the main joys in my life. Over the last five years I have had the privilege of working with very amazing and creative people who stepped up to co-host these conversations.

Most of all I can meet and work with AWE-some people who are bringing much needed changes to the world of work. Another major blessing is that now I have made deep intimate friendships with people all over the world.

I look forward to co-creating with you new ways of bringing Enlivening Edge Community Conversations to more people around the world. [email protected]

cropped me at IEC 2016-05-13 at 17.19.30 copy


Lia Aurami: Within Enlivening Edge, I energize a variety of roles to express my sacred life mission: to amplify our human capacity for living, working, and relating within shared higher consciousness. That optimizes the chances of success of transformative changes, by operationalizing collective and spiritual intelligence to help organizations be efficient and effective. I delight in creating and amplifying synergistic connections toward all that! 


Water circles Image by Mylene2401 from Pixabay – Blue dahlia Image by redprick2001 from Pixabay – Blue flower with drops Image by Evgeni Tcherkasski from Pixabay – Dandelion Image by Anja🤗#helpinghands #solidarity#stays healthy🙏 from Pixabay