How could a platform strategy with new systems, values, and perspectives keep your organization still worth existing, not irrelevant?
8 results for
"Simone Cicero"
What are the significant new outlooks on the real changes happening in how we re-organize society in the digital age?
True power dynamics and leadership don't always match an organizational chart. Would horizontal management really be best for agility in complexity?
Ecosystems of organizations with many possible partners self-defining how they might interact, are better suited when new ideas or experimentation are required.
The real reason for developing ecosystem engagement is to unleash creativity that has for too long been constrained by a traditional linear view.
How can we design "collectively conscious" organizations performing in a collective flow, so leadership is gently gardening an ecosystemic organization?
Setting up a design for helping a social ecosystem emerge and attract resources requires some complexity thinking helped by a platform design toolkit.
Stretch your idea of conscious business beyond "stakeholders" to ecosystems of self-managed organizations in a reality of "platform economy."