Teal Around The World 2023 – Keynote 01 Jos and Thijs de Blok – Humanity over Bureaucracy

By  Jos de Blok and Thijs de Blok and originally published on Teal Around the World

Jos de Blok

Jos de Blok is the founder and CEO of Buurtzorg (neighborhood nursing), a Dutch organization with more than 15.000 employees, offering community based (home) care services to more than 80.000 patients a year. Founded in 2006 with one team of four nurses, Buurtzorg has transformed home-based health care and it has created an innovative method for nursing care at home.

Thijs de Blok
Director CEO of Buurtzorg International, the advisory and licensor entity representing the Dutch community care organization Buurtzorg Nederland globally.

Joined Buurtzorg in 2017 after a career in the hospitality industry in various countries around the world.

Is a frequent public speaker on healthcare and organizational change, and is with Buurtzorg international committed to helping other organizations to do things the Buurtzorg way.

Lived in South Korea and Japan for several years to promote and support Buurtzorg partners and projects in the region. Currently residing in the Netherlands and France with his wife and 2 dogs, and enjoys road cycling, cooking, and traveling.

Session outline

The history of Buurtzorg and an introduction to the upcoming book about the “Buurtzorg Principles”. It takes us closer to the 12 principles that have inspired many organisations around the world.Buurtzorg grew in other areas of care such as mental health, children, and families and also supported other Dutch international care organisations to take on the Buurtzorg model of care.

51 mins 6 secs

Republished with permission.

Featured Image added by Enlivening Edge Magazine. Image by Flowcom from flickr