QSL- HEAL:  At the Heart of the Matter

By Andreea Petruse and Carlo Monsanto for Enlivening Edge Magazine

It is often the case that many of us lead unsustainable lives and push ourselves to the brink of exhaustion in every way possible. This personal neglect inevitably leads to socially systemic neglect, and we fail ourselves because we simply forget the natural organismic balance our hearts work so hard to maintain. We forget that everything that is truly effective, productive, and sustainable long term, follows a simple rule of nature: equal activity to equal relaxation.

This seems hard to accomplish with today’s demands, but what if we had a way into ourselves that could elevate our choices personally, socially, and systemically? What if we had more control over our stress levels, in such a way that we formed new ways of thinking and doing things, beyond simply coping or learning to take the edge off? How would our lives evolve and what society could we create?

We can probably all agree that any pathways that can rapidly support us experiencing and maintaining a healthy, thriving relationship to our lives and work, should be the most necessary and most sought-after solutions for both global and personal challenges including in our organizations.

As architects of QSL-HEAL (Quantum Social Learning and its HEAL language framework), we, the authors, actively and passionately looked for a way for the past three decades. Individually, and later collaboratively, we embarked on a profound initiative to answer this fundamental question: “How do we evolve out of the strife and struggle of survival and into a state of thrival?”

We understood that we were looking at human evolution as it has been shaped by thousands of years of unresolved traumas and conflict, and observing how highly reactive, biobehavioral choices lead to both internal and external crises. We were peering into the very heart of the matter and listening closely.

Over time, this listening, observing, and investigating led to the creation of QSL-HEAL’s pioneering methodology.

Inspired by multiple transdisciplinary studies, and especially influenced by quantum social science and contemplative Vedic science, QSL provides a groundbreaking framework for navigating life’s challenges with a profound capacity for resilience, compassion, and innovation.

Developed as part of the QSL project, the HEAL Language is designed to identify long-standing, adverse personal or group patterns. It empowers the learner(s) with an easy-to-follow process towards their resolution. When the past no longer repeats itself, new choices can be discovered and made, thus leading us to wonder what future possibilities might await our lives, as well as societal evolution.

We are currently increasingly applying and integrating QSL-HEAL in the arenas of society where it can make the fastest difference: the Corporate, Education, Wellness, and Research spheres. We recognize that these arenas are at the heart of our societies and affect every fiber of their evolution.

Within organizational settings, QSL-HEAL can be utilized to support group cohesion, leadership training, improve company culture, and be an ally in tackling the issues of burnout disengagement. We also generate programs to address and prevent burnout, which can be offered through individual mentoring or as part of an HR-organized wellness program.

In the field of education, our integration of HEAL (formerly IOLEE) in a program for student wellbeing, “Programa de Conocimiento Interno y Compasion,” developed in collaboration with the Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education, also known as Tecnológico de Monterrey, is now being rolled out to their twenty-six campuses throughout Mexico. We are curious how approximately 100,000 participating students and staff will embody this experience and how that might transform their lives.

At the larger scale, we are joining the regeneration and transformation of education in the United States. Our mission is to integrate QSL-HEAL alongside successful, evidence-based innovations in education, with the purpose of preparing children for living fulfilling, successful lives as defined not only by physical and material standards, but coupled with lifelong emotional, intellectual, and spiritual wellbeing.

In the wellness industry, QSL-HEAL can be introduced as an educational intervention alongside any healing modality. It can be utilized as a somatic therapeutic technique, either by itself or in conjunction with other well-known somatic systems such as Somatic Mindfulness, EMDR, Somatic Experiencing, NET, or Hakomi.

By continuing to partner with scientists from diverse disciplines, we hope for an increasingly better understanding of this work, its effectiveness, and future applications.

In the end, we rest humbly in the knowledge that we are part of a larger pioneering wave of explorers alerting our collective attention on the heart of the matter- the origin of our patterns systemically and, therefore, personally. We are uncovering a way to generate healing for both the issue and the tissue, and alongside other emerging innovative solutions, are rooting for a whole person/whole society approach.

We all know that what matters most is what is at the heart of each of our lives and learning how both our work and personal lives can best intersect to nurture and support its health, development, and sustainability, is essential to both surviving and thriving.

Act and then rest, breathe in and out, give and receive, create and release, this is the heartbeat rhythm of our lives. We can choose to live each moment as a profound invitation to listen closely.


The State Of Workplace Communication In 2024 – Forbes Advisor

IOLEE new method to dissolve old patterns (enliveningedge.org)

In New Workplace, U.S. Employee Engagement Stagnates (gallup.com)

State of the Global Workplace Report – Gallup

How the Pandemic Exacerbated Burnout (hbr.org)

Andreea G. Petruse is currently contributing to QSL-HEAL as an ambassador of its methodology and a guide in its development as a curriculum. She has a master’s in organizational systems, and undergraduate studies in cultural anthropology and trauma resolution. Andreea has spent her life peering deeply into the nature of crisis and suffering, and currently holds a private somatic therapy practice in Northern California, USA. You can contact her at Education2thrive.com, QSL community website (quantumsociallearning.net)www.iolee.life ;

As a result of a deeply harmonizing process, Carlo Monsanto uncovered unique features in the fabric of our human experience, from which he systematized QSL-HEAL. He was born in Amsterdam (Netherlands), and is an original thinker, director of IOLEE Ecosystem, and research scholar at the Ronin Institute. You can contact Carlo at [email protected], QSL community website (quantumsociallearning.net), and www.iolee.life

Featured image by Michaela,  on pixabay.co,