Teal Around the World is taking a sabbatical to reimagine a new beginning. Stay tuned. Global Teal Meetups will continue.
37 results for
How one simple shift in meeting procedure can distribute decision-making power more equitably and improve decision wisdom.
Which three resources for organizational functioning are completely under your control and always available, no matter what resource challenges you face?
Which capacities build personal and organizational resilience and also successful embodiment of next-stage consciousness?
How does our deep human need to belong express itself in our work life as we move from traditional to next-stage organizations?
Lisa Byron and Jose Leal•
Issues arising in the way we work stem from a much deeper place than our organizations themselves. How shall we get to better worldviews, mindsets, and paradigms in which to live?
Enlivening Edge's free community video conversations are enlivening safe spaces to be inspired, learn, be refreshed, and experience belonging with peers.
What will the founder of Enlivening Edge be doing in 2021? Here is his annual lifework mapping practice and what has emerged as his purposes and life roles.
Drawing on modern and ancient wisdom, here is a detailed guide to help organizations build “wholeness” into their culture.
What are some specific skills and capacities that anyone might cultivate and use to create more team alignment and agility?